Wednesday, April 26, 2006
About Me
- Name: Puck
- Location: birminghell, United Kingdom
while being an insomniac and fledging alcoholic writer isn't the most original thing in the world, it's a pretty accurate description. Everyone around me has started to get mortgages and babies, I have a few books, a skeleton marionette and a mind half full of rapidly decaying memory's.
Brain spunk

- i'd rather have a full bottle in front of me than ...
- of fucking course
- If you see me, I may even smile
- quick and cheap, i really should be doing other th...
- Whinging like a bitch
- Little Girl Secrets part 2
- comfortambly numb and Little Girl Secrets part1
- Hmmmmm Smoooooth
- notes on boredom and more ready words
- please bear with me

Everything is wrong with me
Ultra Toast
Victorian Robots In Love
the lovely, lovely belle
A fruity place indeed
I'm not here for your entertainment
Vice Magazine
Modern Drunkard Magazine
Warren Ellis
Red Meat
A Softer World
Creator pop
jesus loves electro
my tings
photo hostingmy scrapbook
Lol puck. Are these for real, or what? Or is that a secret, too.
yep, check out HERE for the explaination and HERE for part two.
and as i will be away this weekend im probley gonna have some more soon
thats away teaching archry, which now makes even less sense.
Dude, that's a riot. I pictured you sitting around with pink markers dreaming this shit up. Too funny.
btw, I was wondering if you'd be able to make your blogs slightly harder on the eyes. The red type on a black background isn't destroying my eyesight nearly fast enough, lol. How about dark grey on black? Hmmm? Whad'ya say?
sorry my inner goth likes the red on black, altough i know what you mean about hurting your eyes, when im hungover (and bear in mind thats about 40% of the time) it makes stabby pains in my head.
Does anyone else get this?
(this is the perfect time for all yous other people reading this to comment, i know your there- i have speical web insects that tell me who vists and when)
i personally like the stabby, red-on-black.
(but then again, i'm a gothy artfag)
Yeah, I just thought I'd come back here to do some more irrepairable damage to my eyes.
thanks. see ya
Ouch, my eyes!
Anyway, Pucky, I learned some fancy new htlm code (I learned how to strike out text), so I changed your link once again.
Don't shoot me with a bow and arrow, or anything.
These are fucking funny. Isn't that second one by wayne Rooney though?
im not even sure what "husty" means, the girl that wrote it was tiny, i mean like fucking Borrowers small, so ive always presumed it was he "big" part that held the signifigance.
I feel sorry for the husty girl. I mean there's, 'once I did a wee in my pants' which is, oh, big deal and then there is, 'I am scared of big men'. Which is something else entirely. Quite apart from the scared/scarred Freudian error.
But they're fascinating reading. Bring it on!
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