Martin Mullaney likes, and even, encourages what he has decided is graffiti “art” but virulently campaigns against Tagging without ever realising that tagging and the more elaborate piece are part of the same movement. Doesn’t it seem weird that a person in power can pick and choose which parts of a culture are encouraged and which parts condemned? Granted, his opinion is tainted by advice given by now respectable Graff artists who, naturally, have to legitimise their position. I have no problem with these people, most are ex-taggers that now have developed their practice away from the baby steps of Tagging. What I do have a problem with is the condescending attitude and arrogance it takes to assume that a whole movement of Art needs or wants his regulation or encouragement; where just because you sees no aesthetic value in something you assume it has no value or purpose.
Lets call this what it is; a transparent attempt to appeal to the Boho/arty demographic in his chosen wards and an ugly meddling in a culture he has no part in. If you don’t like Tagging. GOOD, you’re not supposed to.
If I was the incendiary type I would encourage some sort of graffiti stencil campaign. But seeing as that is probably quite illegal I recommend that you defiantly DON’T click on this image until you can download the full A4 version and print it off, and ABSOLUTLY DON’T glue it to a piece of thin card, a cereal box for example, DON’T then get a sharp knife and cut out the black bits, and then whatever you do DON’T take the resulting stencil to somewhere public and spray those naughty spray cans pressing the edges of the stencil firmly against the wall.
if someone was to do that and send me an image i would probably post it here, as a warning of what you definatly shouldnt be doing.
thats liberals for you dude. they're not actually that liberal. wankers.
I take it we're NOT allowed to print the image onto stickers or create smaller stencils for permanent marker fun aswell?
absolutely not, that would be terrible.
hmmm, not sure I agree with you on this one Danny.
I don't claim to know anything about graffiti, but all I do know is that I don't like tagging and I do like graffiti art.
To me, tagging is just lazy vandalism - it takes, what, 2 seconds to scawl your name. Whereas graffiti art takes a certain amount of thought and skill.
"Just because you sees no aesthetic value in something you assume it has no value or purpose" - I can understand that some people may think that tagging has aesthetic value, just as some people may think that smashed up phone boxes have aesthetic value; but it's not how the majority feel and so it costs money and time to clear up after these acts of vandalism.
If the two things are/were part of the same culture as you say, then surely they don't always have to be. What's wrong with encouraging youngsters along the more artistic route?
I really don't think that Martin "assumes that a whole movement of Art needs or wants his regulation or encouragement" - I'm sure it's more a case of wanting to cut down on the crap tagging vandalism that makes our town look like a shithole.
Maybe it is an attempt to appeal to the boho/arty demographic, but what's he supposed to do, not try and connect with people at all?
We'll never really know whether his motives are genuine or not, but I think I'd rather he did stuff to try and improve where we live than not.
P.S. Nice stencil :);
"To me, tagging is just lazy vandalism - it takes, what, 2 seconds to scawl your name. Whereas graffiti art takes a certain amount of thought and skill"
it may take two seconds to scrawl a name, but it take months of development to practice that scrawl, as a result of that development the scrawler learns how to handle the medium (pens, cans, whatever), they learn the visual syntax of graffiti and they learn form and composition of letter shapes. all essential to the next development which is what most people see as the "art". You cant really have the "art" without tagging.
"crap tagging vandalism that makes our town look like a shithole"
in the words of the Big Lebowski "thats just like, your opinion man."
"Nice stencil :)"
thanks, can show you how to do it if you want, it's a piece of piss
yeah, totally love teh stencil art, we did an otter in our back yard!
You've got Mullaney down in one there. Class.
Jesus. It really does bother him doesn't it:
"I’ll do a drive round tomorrow to see if any new tags have appeared locally over the weekend."
Man, it gets better and better. Goin on about Kings Heath Graffiti festival;
"Teenagers who are known to be taggers will not be allowed to use the paint facilites."
so, if your tagging, you cant use the allocated graffiti areas. now, doesnt this mean your only option is to go out and tag public places? Whats the goddamn point?
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