Here is a my first attempt at designing a desktop background, is very nice non? If for any reason you would like this very nice image as your desktop click to embiggen and left click on the resulting image. If you would like me to do some design work for YOU for FREE contact me at
three4free (at) hotmail (dot) co (dot) uk to discuss it.
I like it. I like it a lot. Purple, mmmmm...
Purple is the colour of cultists... Barney is purple.... children who follow Barney are nine times more likely to join a cult... his sootheful singing and bouncy enthusiasm brings out a certain agreeableness in children, and over accentuative facial expressions that are a predictive factor in cult joining... so purple although pretty goes against your former yet of course lovable rants on the accult...
its not purple, its fushia and dark pink
Yeah that's totally pink. Dan is always pink
mmmmm logistics.... always a factor.... alas, if you step away from the screen and blur the colors with your eyes, the result is purple, and in so you are leading young minds......
I like!
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